Laughing and Losing It: Day Deux

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day Deux

Below is my Sunday look.  I used a 1" ceramic curler.  The first look I call "Happy," the second, "Magnum for Moms."  I've really had fun with this.  A collegue of my husband's said, "You know you've really been looking pretty these days."  I tried not to resent the fact that she sounded seriously surprised.  I said "Thank you.  I'm trying to pull it together--this whole two kids thing really threw me for a loop."  Maybe that awkward comment distroyed my fabulous, but I didn't mind.  I strutted out that door like a Beverly Hills Housewife free of emotional problems.  And I reminded myself, "Work it Girl!"


  1. Not hard to work it when you're Magnum for Moms. Brilliant. I'm so proud! ;)

  2. i love your glasses and your magnum face. good work :)
